Wednesday 15 February 2012

Rehealsal Notes - Assignment 2

Assignment 2, the second assignment whatever you want to call it, would probably be the first solo performance I do in THTR102. And heck, I was nervous as hell!

I wanted to make it good, so I wrecked my brain trying to think of something. As I was discussing with Leanne about this assignment, I thought of  doing a putting make-up scene, where I screwed up and end up leaving without make-up on.

BUT, while I was at home in front of the computer, I saw the hat I was halfway making towards the end of the Winter break and inspiration strike!

HAHA, I just had to put this meme. Anyway, I had an idea of doing crocheting for my performance, and with the tangled yarns as the obstacle. So I was doing my crocheting as usual, and I made a mistake. Having to open it again, annoyed me. As I was redoing the stitches, the yarn became tangled because it wasn't rolled to a ball, and that pisses me off even more. I tried to untangle the tangles, but it was so tangled, that I couldn't work it out. Annoyed, I walked out of the room to get some fresh air.

This is what crocheting looks like :D

I didn't plan mine out much. I simply sat down, do what I felt is natural for me and then wrote the beats down. It came naturally for me for the crocheting part, because I do it a lot and I mean A LOT during the winter holidays. I thought by me starting inside the room would be better as it would have suggested that I have been inside the room for quite a while. The size of the beret that I was making was also quite big already, suggesting I have been working on it.

A few obstacles that came to me was that the yarns didn't get quite tangled up, so it took me longer to get to the tangles as I pull the yarns. I actually have no idea how to deal with this problem, so I kind of didn't work on it too much. Another problem was to know how many stitches I had opened. To counter this, I had to limit the number of stitches I opened to one group. I thought that this was a good number as I don't have to redo that many stitches and could be done pretty fast.

As I timed it, I sort of knew that I wasn't doing too much because I was actually doing pretty well in terms of timing. The timing were pretty close to 2 minutes; plus minus 10 seconds, which I thought was pretty good.

I actually liked this piece. I thought that it was different and it was something so natural and organic for me to do. So I hope that the others would like it too!

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